Does a Tiny House have a Washer and Dryer?

Tiny House Washer

One of the main things to consider when designing a tiny house is how you can maximize the tiny space that you are working with. Two appliances that can take up a lot of room inside a house are your washer and your dryer.

Does a Tiny House have a Washer and Dryer?

The answer to this question is they can; a tiny house MAY have a washer and dryer, but it will be up to the homeowner to decide if they have enough space and power generated to the tiny house in order to support both a washer and dryer.

In a regular sized home fitting a washer and dryer into the home is not a problem as many homes have laundry rooms or garages that can easily fit such appliances; however in a tiny home you must really consider if having these appliances inside your home makes sense. 

A traditional washing machine is about 27 inches wide, about 42 inches tall and about 26 inches deep. They also weigh between 150 lbs. and 200 lbs. which is important to know if your tiny house is designed to be mobile. 

A traditional dryer has similar dimensions (about 27 inches wide, about 42 inches tall and about 26 inches deep) and also weighs between 150 lbs. and 200lbs. 

Not only do the appliances themselves take up space, but you must also consider the space needed behind the washers and dryers for things such vents, electrical hookups and piping. 

Typically you want to leave about 6 inches of space behind your washer and dryer in order to connect them appropriately. 

Although the size of your washer and dryer are important, they are not the only consideration as to whether or not they belong in your tiny.

Another thing you must consider when deciding whether or not to place a washer and dryer inside your tiny house is how much power each of these machines will use.

A typical washing machine will use between 350 and 1,300 watts of electricity with more energy efficient washing machines being on the lower end of that range.

Dryers on the other hand use quite a bit more power than a washing machine does. Your typical dryer will use between 1,800 and 5,000 watts of electricity per use with a more energy efficient dryer obviously being on the lower end of that range. 

Now given the size and electrical output of your washer and dryer you must now decide if your tiny house has the space and power to support your washer and dryer.

For many tiny house owners the answer is NO, it does not make sense to use that much space just to do laundry (although clean clothes are important!). 

So how can you do laundry if you do not want to place a giant washer and dryer in your tiny house?

How to do Laundry in a Tiny House?

As we just discussed, having a giant washer and dryer in your house may not make a whole lot of sense. Tiny houses have their name for a reason right?

So how can a person get their laundry done in a tiny house without a full sized washer and dryer? The 4 best ways to do laundry in your tiny house are using a combo washer/dryer, using a manual powered washer/dryer machine, going to a laundromat and lastly hand washing your clothes and hanging them to dry.

  • Combo Unit

One of the best ways to save space while still having both a washer and dryer in your tiny house is by using a combo unit. 

A combo unit is a washer and dryer combined into one single unit. There are several great advantages to using a combo unit. 

For one, you get a washer and a dryer for half of the space. The dimensions and weight of a combo unit are similar to those of a stand alone washer or dryer and so you really are getting a two in one. 

Another great feature of combo units is that you can put your clothes in and forget about them. The combo unit is able to wash them and then dry them for you without you having to switch loads over or having to turn the machine on again. 

Combo units are great and are used frequently by tiny house occupants. 

  • Manual Washing and Drying Machines

Manual washing and drying machines are washers and dryers that are powered by you, the person. No electricity, no heat, just pure human power.

If you plan on doing a lot of travelling with your tiny house and will not always have reliable access to power then this may be the best option for you. 

Be advised, these manually powered machines can require quite a bit of work to get your clothes clean and dry; however, as I said earlier, if you do not have access to electricity this may be your only option. 

To use these manually powered machines you will place your clothes inside the bin, add your water, add your soap and start cranking. These manually powered machines are typically operated by a crank that you would rotate with your hands or a pedal that you push that spins the clothes inside the bin. 

These manually powered washers and dryers will also save you a ton of space. Your typical manually powered washer and dryer will be about 16 inches wide, 12 inches tall and 12 inches deep. Even better, they only weigh about 6 lbs. 

Although manually powered machines are great because they do not use electricity, they can also be frustrating because they can not do the same size loads that a regular washer or dryer could.

If you choose to use a manually powered washer or dryer then you will have to keep in mind that your load sizes will be much smaller and that laundry will take you much longer to complete.

This may not be a big deal if you are doing laundry for yourself and a partner, but what if you have children that you are doing laundry for? This could make doing laundry an even more daunting task than it already is!

Another thing to keep in mind is that manually powered dryers are not very effective at completely drying your clothes. Once you put them through the manual dryer they will still be a little damp and so you will need to have a space where you can hang dry your clothes.

For this reason manual dryers are not as common as manual washers are. 

If you are doing laundry for a few people, and plan on traveling a lot with your tiny house, then a manual washer or dryer may be the way to go.

  • Go to a Laundromat

I have worked at a laundromat and I have used a laundromat when I used to rent a room and I can tell you that you should only use this option if you have to!

If you live in a tiny house you may not want to have a washer or a dryer in your home and so maybe a laundromat is the best option for you and that is fine. When I used to use a laundromat I thought it was overpriced and I didn’t like the thought of mixing my clothes with strangers but that was just me. 

Laundromats are also a great option if you have heavy blankets or thick clothing that you would like to be washed but that may not fit into your compact washer and dryer. 

There are also several laundry services these days where you can drop off your clothes and they will wash and dry them for you. It may cost a bit more if you choose to go this route, but it will save you a lot of time and hassle. 

I mean who enjoys doing laundry right!? It could be a nice break, especially if you have been traveling and just want to relax. 

  • Washing by Hand and Hanging to Dry

Lastly, you can always wash your clothes by hand in either your sink or shower and hang them out to dry. 

If you have several articles of clothing that you would like to be washed then this may not be a feasible option; however, it could be a great option to clean your clothes in a pinch. 

This is a great video on how you can wash your clothes by hand.

Final Thoughts 

Whether or not you have a regular sized washer and dryer in your house is up to you. If you have the space and power necessary then it is absolutely possible.

However, if you decide that it does not make sense to add a washer and dryer into your tiny house then there are other great options to getting your clothes washed and dried. 

Have fun doing laundry!

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